Handicap This

“Handicap This” is a wonderful emotional balm for our time! Humor is the psychology we all desperately need whether trying to keep the team from going at each other’s throats as a leader or dealing with the worst emotional blow of your life. That being said, working to wield one’s humor is fraught with potential missteps. I once tried to add it to a medical form as a disability. The Registered Nurse laughed at the time, but once you read the first two chapters by the excellent Mr. Thomas Whitney, I bet you’ll find that quip cringe-worthy. So here’s some orientation to the text: The first two chapters are where you start if you’ve experienced a major crisis in your life. Having been kicked around a couple of times, sometimes you fall when you can’t reach what you want, his words gave me comfort that he KNOWS where I’ve been. And there’s hope and contentment to be found. From Chapter 3 onward, he gets into how humor functions. When it works and when it fails. It’s practically a textbook. I highly recommend everyone to take a look at Mr. Whitney’s book; it belongs in every Communication class out there. And Theology.

Handicap This by Thomas Whitney

Favorite Quote:
Please get back to the closest people, life partners, children, spouse (but it is difficult loving one always on your toe), and friends (the nonsensical group who will see you while they are merry and keep you that way)…Next, detox from technological advancements and get the true meaning of being alive (whatever that means it is different for all of us). Get away from the beauty of social media and out into the field (kindly avoid battlefields; they are counterproductive here). Life has never happened in a vacuum, which is what social media and technological gadgets are all about today.

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